Be your best self
Amethyst Wellness Group helps you uncover the causes, release the issues, and learn positive techniques, so you can heal from within and live a happy healthy life.
& Hypnosis
Is something holding you back from living the life you desire? Let's work together to help get your subconscious mind unstuck.
& Therapy
Looking for help improving your mental health and/or relationships? We can help you reach your goals.
Programs, Groups
& Events
We also offers workshops, group sessions and special events, online and at our office. Want to know what's happening this month?
Getting Started

Free 15 Min
Get started with a complimentary 15 min consultation to find out how we can help and have your questions answered!

In-person or Online
In-person, online video and phone appointments are available so you can meet with us wherever you're located.

Check out our courses, groups, workshops, events and more to help you live a happy healthy life.
I wanted to do something to help me move on from past experiences that were limiting my current day happiness. I felt amazing and so peaceful after my session.
~ Thunder Bay, ON
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