& Hypnosis
Is something holding you back from living the life you desire? Let's work together to help get your subconscious mind unstuck.
& Therapy
Looking for help improving your mental health and/or relationships? We can help you reach your goals.
Programs, Groups
& Events
We also offer workshops, group sessions and special events, online and at our office. Want to know what's happening this month?
Getting Started

Free 15 Min
Get started with a complimentary 15 min consultation with Barb Davies to see if we're a good fit.

In-person or Online
In-person, online video and phone appointments are available so you can meet with us wherever you're located.

Check out our courses, groups, workshops, events and more to help you live a happy healthy life.
"Content Free" Techniques
We offer "content free" techniques to help you overcome any challenges which may be too private, traumatic or uncomfortable to talk about. This means that I can help you without knowing the details of what you are working on. Content free work can be used to resolve inner conflicts, heal from trauma, release unhelpful emotions such as guilt, shame, and more.